by Admin
Posted on 03-03-2023 07:45 AM
Lavender has been used by humans for centuries, for everything from perfumes to aromatherapy to medicinal purposes.
The herb’s therapeutic properties were traditionally used for treating insect bites and burns, cleaning wounds, and protecting against certain diseases. Today, evidence suggests that lavender promotes sleep, improves memory, relieves pain, and uplifts mood. In animal and human studies, lavender has been proven to have anticonvulsant, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial activities. Lavender is a powerhouse herb that offers many medicinal and therapeutic uses. Thanks to its calming properties, lavender essential oil may be effective at soothing anxiety and promoting a good night’s sleep.
About throat is most used for communication, expression and consumption, it can easily be overused and abused; for example: cheering loudly, long speeches, consuming wrong types of food or drinks, the change of seasons, extreme weather conditions, cold and flu season and other factors. In some cases, communication can be disrupted for a few days. Due to soreness or infection, swallowing food and drinks can be painful. Most cultures have an assortment of folklore remedies for immediate relief, from outrageous, unbelievable remedies, to simple logical effective ones using a wide range of herbs.
feeling under the weather? well you’ve came to the right page. Our proprietary blend is specially crafted as a decongestant aid to help you rid a cold or flu. Turmeric delivers powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Cinnamon has been used for years to cure respiratory disorders especially when treating symptoms of bronchitis. In traditional hindu medicine, black pepper and honey is used to clear out and dry up mucus membranes during respiratory congestion. Licorice aids in the production of clean, healthy phlegm. Bay leaf is also known to alleviate various respiratory conditions. Every ingredient has been carefully thought out to bring you the be all, end all herbal remedy that’ll help get you cleared up in no time.
Soma tea has created over 20 healing and therapeutic teas. All of our organic tea & tisanes are loose leaf. We personally create and hand blend each recipe in small batches to insure freshness. Our teas are not only purposely created for healing benefits, they are also delicious to drink, beautiful to look at and so fragrant, insuring the best tea you will have ever experienced. We offer many unique healing tea blends. Try one of our more popular blends, like sleep tea, ginger turmeric tea, and elderberry mushroom tea. Explore our other therapeutic teas: blood pressure tea, hot flash tea, inflammation tea, immune tea, detox tea, allergy tea and our seasonal cold fighting and flu relief tea.